Tuesday 28 May 2013

About -

My name is Fern and I have recently started to make miniature book charms for authors, it started out as a hobby and I had so much interest that I decided to start selling them.

Each Miniature book will come with the cover of your choice on the front and the pages inside will be blank, the charms on the side will be random as I don't know what will be arriving and when.
(the charms are stars/hearts/keys/feathers/leaves/wings). 
If you have a custom idea please let me know and I will see what I can do but please note this my add extra time onto your order.

I will be doing a small bundle/sample (6) of charms in exchange for Signed books and swag (I am first and formost a reader) If this idea appeals to you then please send me a message.

Email - fern_curry@hotmail.co.uk